Yes, as soon as a symptomatic staff member or resident is referred to take a Covid-19 test, you will be notified. We will also notify you as soon as the test results come back. If you have concerns about receiving our notifications, please contact the Director at your earliest convenience to verify the contact information we have on file. In the case of asymptomatic testing, strictly as a precautionary measure (not due to Covid-like symptoms), we will not issue notification.
Please note that turnaround time on test results vary greatly from 5-7 hours and in some cases, 5-7 days. During this time, we will be following the guidance of the local Public Health Authorities and local Health Department for contact tracing and precautionary measures we should be taking. If the situation involves a staff member, they will be sent home until test results come back negative, or until either the CDC time-based, test-based, or symptom-based method for determining return-to-work, has been met. If the situation involves a resident, they will remain in isolation or be moved to an appropriate acute care setting better able to safely accommodate their needs, until two negative Covid-19 test results 24-hours apart can be obtained.