All non-essential visitors are prohibited from visiting inside the assisted living, residential care, or memory care community. While each state defines essential visitors a little differently, in general, all visitation is restricted at this time except for in certain compassionate care situations, such as end-of-life, and for essential health care providers providing essential services. Decisions about visitors entering under compassionate care situations shall be made on a case-by-case basis and is intended for those at the very end of their life. The intention of visitor restrictions is to keep Covid-19 out of our community. Given the significant and grave risk this virus poses to our vulnerable residents, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, advised this restriction as a necessary safeguard in long-term care settings.
Essential individual includes the following; however, a discussion must be had with serious consideration given to delay or postponement of any non-essential services. Consideration must be given to the essential nature of the visit and alternatives for visiting, in addition to the need to maintain strict adherence to visitor protocol and screening.
- Facility staff and prospective staff seeking employment
- Outside medical personnel such as doctors, hospice staff, therapist, mental health therapists, or other facility staff assessing a resident prior to admission
- Emergency responders including EMS, Fire, and Police
- Vendors, but only when access to facility is required
- Adult protective services staff engaged in an active adult abuse investigation
- Licensing/Survey staff
- Long term care ombudsman and deputies (not volunteers)
- Legal guardians; and friends and family members visiting during end -of-life stages.
No one is permitted to enter the community to visit a resident. As per the Governor’s proclamation, “This prohibition does not apply to end-of-life situations or to visits by attorneys, administrative law judges, advocates, or similar persons who represent a resident. Does not apply to vendors or volunteers who supply or work in a facility.”